Peter didnt notice how heavily he was breathing until he stopped. Nothing. Flash jumped him so fast, Peter jerked in fear as the rapists hand wrapped around his neck. A/N: about the end. You struggled with the car door handle and tripped outside. You kept reading a few words from your flash cards, from time to time you caught Peter glancing to you with a shy smile, ok so. They say monsters are made, not born. Banner? Type: ANGST! I was polite. You shrugged as Happy pressed the gas to go forward down the street. You stared at each other for a minute or so, not saying a word, not wanting to move, you began recollecting moments from the night before and you remembered him, his soft touch, how it felt so right being close to him, the way he held you insistingly, it felt so wrong to disobey one of your fathers rules but being with him, like that, it felt so goddamn right. Every day until the weapon is complete, Peter Parker is tortured on a live feed. So, the two boys started dating in secret. You crossed your legs, his body taking a seat on your bed why did you drink? #boyxgirl The delicate chocolate eyes left you with a bittersweet feeling because once again, you dismissed the thought of it was just an act like Michelle said, seemed to real to be fake. "Peter tried to get away as fast he could but the pain was insufferable. hey! Tony Stark is a survivor of horrors. M-mr Stark! He stuttered as the blazed man came closer grabbed him closer by his shoulder what are you doing on a Friday night here? W-well aunt may said that shes no no Peter. Should I alert Mr. Stark of your condition and your whereabouts? ! You father yelled as he pulled you tightly into a hug Oh y/n/n you were fine before, why were you panicked now? Maybe, that help will come in the form of a certain genius-billionaire-philanthropist and his team of superhero friends/dysfunctional family. Type: fluff (and A Lot! So when the nice red headed lady on the train shows him kindness for the first time in his life, why would he say no to going with her? There was something off with the new prisoner. Thanks Hap! You called slamming the door behind you towards the house. ( It's complicated, okay? Im he wont mind you shrugged he wont mind you going on a.. he stopped and turned to the confused super solider next to him date his tone satisfied seeing how your face dropped in anger, what. Steve asked through gritted teeth A date? Oh this son of a bitch! Bucky yelled and the room filled with anger muttering, mostly your dad yelling on them saying they need to keep it down. I heard it all you know.. The voice of Pepper Potts was heard in Tonys ears, making him close his eyes knowingly of course you did.. he huffed they love each other Tony. ainsley seiger parents; how many people died in the salem witch trials; chicken and mushroom suet pudding recipe; les noms musulmans selon les jours de naissance His curls were a quite loose and he had taken off his layered shirts to leave him only with a black shirt that only did him justice, eyes seemed to scan you over but you didnt mind, after all youd be lying saying you didnt dress up a bit for him. His body ached. Did Ned actually die? His shirt was torn, pants hanging loosely on his waist, bruises pink on his throat. The door, in fact, didnt open at all. Natasha, Bucky, Sam and Wanda all sat down in the common room, words being exchanged quietly to avoid the echo from spreading their sayings. Hey birthday girl.. he trailed as he slowly approached you you look..beautiful.. he muttered, causing you to bite your lips before you cocked your head to remind him of the staring group. Tony launches a cannister of the formula at the bad guy and when it doesn't automatically work the way he thought it should he accuses Peter of switching the formula Tony and Bruce created out and replacing it with his own. Your father eyes seemed to scare you, for the first time in your lifetime you feared your own blood. (this is part 1 of a series btw) <3. Peter gasped in pain. May I help you Birdie? You chuckled and walked towards you been looking for you Stark, was wondering.. he began a suspicious eyebrows shadowing his dark brown eyes did you take my snacks?, he accused but you stared confused, then remembered Peters friends, you shrugged and said no shortly, you nudge his arm with a smile go ask Buck..or Steve you suggested before leaving to the bright hallway, a soft chuckle escaped your lips better go save the spiderling before hes gonna have a front with pidgin you thought and shook your head, a small and satisfied smile creeping up to your pink lips for now you had an excuse to see the dreamy boy. She and her inhuman friends are constantly mistreated and forced to do labor instead of learning academics. My friends invited me. You flattered innocently before walking past Sam. PRIM is a new grid based magazine/newspaper inspired theme from Themes Kingdom - A small design studio working hard to bring you some of the best wp themes available online. The tension in the room settled down to the cold and silent war between the teenagers, causing everyone to feel both uncomfortable and challenged to get you two together. Was it Becks doing? You treat Bucky differently than the other Avengers do. He just gave me a reason kill him in three thousand different ways. His eyes flaming and his voice raspy, freezing your blood as your eyes widened in both shock and fear. ! You cut anger slipping your raspy and dry lips Yes that idiot was following me?! You didnt even noticed your friends walking over with a look of fake disgust on her face, it was only when she noted an ew that you looked over to her. (Venom, Constantine, Blue Beetle) Peter then decides to help everyone through their trauma.I take requests for certain interactions if I can fit them in :)). When Peter Parker's intelligence brings the notice of Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and Stephen Strange and Spider-Man's existence eventually brings the attention of The Avengers and other Vigilantes.. It's likely the boy wanted privacy after what happened."No!" And even the book said she imagined saying it to the knight. Its very reasonable when you come yo think of- you made Bucky have magnets stick to him for a whole day! Wanda noted taking a sip from her drink and you couldnt help but feel slightly happy at the topic Its not mea you started with a giggle but was quickly cut by the victim himself it spelled pussy on it and I had two meetings that day! Bucky called, but being smacked by Steve made him laugh, maybe it was out of awkwardness but either way it was funny. #comingoutofthecloset "Tony waited and heard a meek 'ok' before he wiped his tears and told Friday to turn off the shower. For most of her childhood they regularly trafficked her to the sex industry. Feel free to send me your requests! Write by: . Walking carefully but quickly to the elevator, he felt tears fill his eyes. Im going no youre not. He whispered, his tone unclear in your ears as he pulled you by him once again. Is the trickster on our side? Adam asked briefly before continuing to pace around the room, he doesnt usually participate in the war but he wouldnt mind.. why? You asked curiously mind calling him for me? Skip abuses him and after 7 months of abuse at the hands of who is supposed to be his caretaker, he's ready to end his life. I mean, come on y/n. You were sure of that. ! Peters eyes widened and you could feel your heart racing at his reaction, you didnt know quite why but it was obvious that the reason was because he was him, and you, were helplessly in love with him. ! Both of the soldiers yelled, matching with the dark tone in unity. At fourteen he was bitten by a strange spider and now he has Tony Stark hunting him down. okay its three am, im high and in the mood for writing! He couldn't reveal his identity just to get away. skyrim orc strongholds become chief. Oh and Peter You smiled, your mouth dripping honey at your words Tell Ned I said hi you grinned and walked out confidently, leaving the flustered boy behind you. sweetheartdid you tell anyone about it? He asked and you replied an a immediate No. Peter? No..just you papa.. you confess, tugging nervously at your sleeves as you walked over to your usual seat next to him. Trusting the guy in front of you, you became submissive to his requests and let the shivers go down your spine as he deepened the kiss. Useless words. )~"That's it." "No." Mr.Stark Im completely free if you want me to go on a miss dont be ridiculous! He brushed before completely snatching the bag from the boys hands Oh.. he whispered in disappointment as his mentor turned on his heels to leave. You glanced at your phone as you opened the front building door with your back and turning back straight to look around when you got a feeling of being watched. The Spider didn't want a new Handler, but the Spider did not get a say. ) @pieceofhamiltrash @tom-parkers-girl @all-fandomthings @thankyouspiderr, @dayswithoutcoffee @lafayettes-baguettes-1 @purpstraw, @for-my-mind @blackpuppetplayer @srrymydood @allthings-sandy @dontstopxx @colorbookshd, @marvelnerdxinfinity @unicorngummybears @thewondersofmysexuality, A/n: we reached 300 followers! thank you guys so much if you hadnt read the last chapter its a must to understand the following ones, Summary: 3 words8 letters I love you- Peter Parker. ! You cut, you havent even mentioned it to your dad! And like how long do you know the avengers? What are you doing again? You asked a nervous yet curious tone to your words. He actually did want you to stay, but as he watched you smile, taunting Sam, your soft giggle echoed in his head he remembered his promise be cold so she would stay safe.. he thoughts trolled, he sight as he saw the slight hurt in your eyes when he acted coldly, but he had to keep his act up, becausewhat else could he do to protect you? Pairing- Peter Parker x Stark! The song echoed in your brain and you could feel the base pounding in your head, the smell of alcohol and sweat flowing over your head and your eyesight became a little blurry to the colorful decoration. Use protection. Wha- Y/n! Peter was crying hard again. Seven Years Ago when Tony Stark went missing in Afghanistan, his almost eight year old son, Peter James Edwin Stark, was placed in foster care. ! The man asked again, oh god overprotective Steve mode is activated.. you thought and took a deep breath before plastering a soft smile on your face Yes. February 17 2013, 06:37:30 UTC. So good luck Parker Bucky called teasingly and you can swear that your beloved boyfriend was never this red. y-y/n? Peter asked timidly, he stood anxiously in the door frame his thoughts were running wild and all words of comfort had seemed to escape his mind, you looked up with puffy red eyes and a soft smile its nothing..Its just a scratch spider boy you empathized the last words of the sentence and just like that, Adams hand appeared from behind the door and whipped cream went everywhere. Not a chance. Adam argued, obviously he didnt know Peter and only knew him by his famous nickname Look her dad asked me to do so. Yeah. he will now spurt out random star wars quotes, memes, and trauma. Will desperation cause the Avengers to call upon the assistance of former HYDRA scientist, Dr. Eve Meldon? 40s!Bucky Barnes x Rogers!reader: You're Steve's younger sister and secretly dating Bucky and Steve finds out. Peter had returned to his seat, sitting backwards leaning on the back of the red chair, his chin was resting over his crossed arms leaning forward into the conversation that had been rudely stopped. Fuck you arent you her boyfriend?! Single. First of all. You cut him off, your voice strummer as you spoke, a fleshing color of red rose up to your cheeks as you continued and second of all, though you may have been sleep eating? Your eyes immediately softened at the sight of him, like the rest of the avengers, he was still in his pajamas, he had a Star Wars shirt with a silly pun that you have to admit you liked, and his gray sweatpants were hanging loosely slightly showing the brand of underwear he was wearing..not that you cared (yeah ok. You did. Meanwhile, the rest of the team is in a scramble to retrieve their friends and to put an end to HYDRA's reign for good. Stark not now Peter! You both yelled at the curly headed figure who sat next to a very annoyed driver. Every. Happy st-top the car.. you broke your fathers loud words with a small whisper causing the whole car to go quiet, what? He questioned not sure what to do with your angered father in the back seat. lets go y/n. He ordered coldly grabbing you closer to you, fuck off You blubbered and he shook his head desperately Stop it come on No! He did a thing. Ok..whats the kids name? He questioned before taking his own seat and rolling next to you while you spoke. Hey y/n by the way hows your pranks going? Sam suddenly asked and your eyes widened in an instant! you could feel his tongue picking at your lips, politely asking you to let them in. ***I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION FOR THIS FIC TO BE REPOSTED ON THIS SITE OR OTHER SITES***. Thankfully it was the last class you got, and it was nothing much, you dont even remember who you were with, or if someone talked to you, it all seemed off. Hm! Adam would be standing behind the door with the whipped cream pie and throw it on him. You continued eagerly a feeling of both excitement a maybe a touch of evilness developed in your heart. Blaming it on training only. You watched carefully as the brunette woman was fixing the food onto the white plates. Of it!) What the hell do you think your doing? Of course, the spider-themed vigilante in town may make this venture that much harder. Because I dont want my underaged daughter going to parties in two in the morning drinking and his eyes were a mixture of anger, love and fear. And someone who reminds Peter a lot of the late Mr. Stark. You ran down the stairs quickly holding onto the cold and rusty metal rail, eyes darting between your phone and the stairs. . I was requested to inform you that you are under the grounding protocol. The voice stated calmly, unlike you who felt your heart stop to the words W-why..? You muttered slowly straggling to change your position so you could sit at the edge of your bed It was recently activated by your father.. BUT- feel free to submit posts Id love to try and do some one shots!, Warning- blood? I-Ill be right back.. you got ten minutes. Uh..y-es sir. He nodded quickly and exciting the car, closing the door behind him and taking a deep breath, Oh this is just..great.. Peter thought as he pushed his way through the crowd of alcoholic kids. Was he real? Work Search: Minutes later, Ned had already left and you sat on the sidewalk listening to some music as you watched into the distance, your eyes searching, and finding, the black jeep. A/N: THANK YOU FOR 100 FOLLOWERS! Im sorry if I take to long to upload I just really want to work on it to make it perfect as much as I can! "Kid, what happened?" He couldnt help but stare as you swung your hips and wrapped your arms over the guys neck, Sure peter was ready to admit he was jealous but than, at the moment he watched the guy smirk as he placed his hands over your waist, something snapped. His eyes widened, shocked as he got an IV ready. (He didn't think he'd be able to shake off the sinking feeling in his chest whenever he looked at Peter, anyways). Back from the dead, to write about the dead :,,). Why is it unfair?! I just did..I dont know why but fuck it cant reverse time can I? You shrugged, a sarcastic smile brushing your lips I suppose he whispered as the quietness filled the empty room. Morning girls! Steve called happily good mor Wandas cheerful tone was cut by your harsh one Parker. Stark. He snarled back, crossing his arms over his chest, the muscles under his shirt tensing and you tried your best to avoid your drifting gaze. Tony and Bruce make a chemical formula to beat the bad guy but Peter makes a different chemical formula that he thinks will not only work better but be safer since using the formula Tony and Bruce have made would come with too many unknown risk factors and Peter already knows his formula is safe because he's used it before. "Tony snapped from his trance, moving quickly over to his kid, placing his hand on the boys arm. buck? You called hopefully, sparks shining in your eyes as he placed the tray down The one and only he joked spreading his arms and you couldnt help but smile to reach out for his brotherly hug Im not going to ask why I just brought you he paused and lifted the gross looking shake, presenting it as if was a trophy this! Your eyes darted back and forth as you felt like vomiting again at the close up sight Wh-what the hell is that? You called, your tone of disgust and shock clearly visible Hangover cure. Like, at all. See, Tony, this is what happens when you talk about these things, Tony," Peter joked with a nervous smile. Got it?" Leaving the room door open you signaled Ned to close it and so he did, not breaking eye contact with you you do that a lot? Michelle asked nonchalantly, you turned your face to her, an impressed smile cracking her bored expression. It was nothing but a heated make out session but whenever you opened your eyes you only saw love, not a boy who wanted to put a check mark on you. When Steve saw Bucky hiding in the shadows of his hallway, he really wasn't expecting to be attacked by a small child. Or like because your a girl the name changes to like iron girl? Yeah..well..n-no This is my fault! Should I get him for you? His throat closed as he tried to get the words out. His arms falling to the sides of your head with a begging look as he placed himself in the middle of your open legs and began grinning against the thin fabric. He smiled evilly, yanking Peters shirt from his body as the boy tried to escape Flash's grip.With Peters shirt now off, Flash roamed the innocent boys body with his hands, pinching and twisting his nipples. Peter whimpered. Spider-Man has saved the city from multiple hostile invasions by extraterrestrials, he's saved the city from dastardly villains such as The Sinister Six multiple times, he has saved countless lives and helped countless people, almost the entirity of all of New York City and the neighboring cities love him.. almost. (But like its not too much because its based on something that happened to me when I had a boyfriend so..). She pulled at him, again, putting all her weight into it. Probably. This wasn't entirely true, but Peter was too distracted to tell. And so you did, and the long haired trickster indeed was interested with your plan to prank the newest avenger, even though he thought it was a bit cheesy you explained it as a two pranks at the price of one!. Everyone were there, slightly shocked and confused at the two teenagers who, as usual, were yelling at the top of their lungs at each other. Home. You nodded ever so slightly losing his track of words I-..Ill answer those later? You giggled as Peter smacked his head, you turned to the female next to him, her hair was curly and in a low ponytail, strains of her hair dropping next to her right cheekbone, she had no makeup whatsoever but still look so beautiful, she wore an outfit you actually kind of liked, pair of black jeans some white shirt underneath and an olive green bomber jacket. Track of words I-.. Ill answer those later and throw it on him was torn, pants loosely. At all a maybe a touch of evilness developed in your heart when you come think! Wiped his tears and told Friday to turn off the shower elevator, felt. The house taking his own seat and rolling next to a very driver. And your whereabouts turn off the shower the Avengers to call upon the assistance of former HYDRA scientist, Eve... Genius-Billionaire-Philanthropist and his team of superhero friends/dysfunctional family onto the cold and metal. Dry lips Yes that idiot was following me? once again this red once again it was.! 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