You believe that lying sack of shit? Who should we believe? Thanks! The way to make money is selling CD's and tickets to functions. I'm going to bring your comments up in a future post because this is kind of old and readers might miss it. That's our language so keep your comments in English too. but ypu wouldn't're just here "being careful with your money". In addition diamonds are unable to requalify so their income crumbles.its just impossible to keep 6 legs going. I feel for the other unfortunate souls that got hooked into this scam. Also, stop hating what other people do because its their lives not yours and if you want to judge, judge your fucking self, because no one gives a shit what you say or think and go kys bitch. He doesn't know how to say Amway Tool Scam!And didn't afros for white guys go out of style sometime during the 80's! heartly speaking guys!! The latest bullshit Amway Amspeak propaganda.Yup one of the biggest lies Amway Ambots spout is how everything is awesome. Gets checked occasionally. . Thank you for this website, Though this comment does not refute anything abovePoker is a phenomenal metaphor for this. As for Warren Buffett and Donald Trump: Warren Buffett does in fact own an MLM (let's call it what it is) but if you look into it, it is run much different from the one we are discussing, and he really isn't directly involved with it. Amway is all about going into debt. 1 direct selling company in the world*. !With Amway, if it takes 10 years to get an income of $1000 a week, you are better off than traditional workers.So what if Amway people still have jobs. The thing is, TheWhiteafroguy, anyone can make up numbers and amounts. You remind me of donald trump and i feel bad for your husband cause he has to put up with you. So if you go by Amway ambot logic if Im broke then so are Amway Diamonds. Until the motivational tool scam is dealt with, Amway will not live up to its promise. Shocking! Aren't you the same guy who was here a year ago with a girlfriend ambot? in order to support 4000 diamonds, the annual volume of amway would have to be 66 billion. I can see my nephew saying this in a few years. The system is unable to load the contents of this page. Hello, it's me again, back from the meeting. It's a common theme across many Amway Motivational Organizations (AMO). That books a real eye opener and a scary look into the Amway cult.As for your friend's excuses the life of an Amway Ambot is to lie, deny, distract,and defend. They buy mansions a fleet of sports cars and fly first class to exotic destinations multiple trips a year and supposedly they pay cash for all of this. Its all about confusing the victim tossing out numbers that sound good but in reality won't be. We are a training system on how to build the amway business to a truly significant level. Reverse that to read over 99% failure rate. I hope you are doing that now. This varies from country to country, and strategy to strategy! Thank you for this blog. What about bankrupt Diamonds. Hence all the swearing in this blog! Yeah sometimes Blogger has its glitches. Your post highlights the problems with doing maths based on poor knowledge or false assumptions. Around here we're not dumb fucks who go around reading stuff that doesn't interest us or might otherwise piss us off. I have yet to have someone tell me that they were involved in this great transportation company and then have it turn out to be a Toyota salesman trying get me to buy a car. Amway is not a scam - but you can still be scammed. !Anyway, Amway Diamonds are just overgrown adult loosers living in their mother's basements pretending to hit it big, while racking up some serious debt. Almost nobody finds success without a few major lapses in judgment along the way. amway bissnes is Wondurful&Amazing bissness.Plez do it with confidantly. The best poker players in the world don't play every card they are dealt. Note that I said chose. Yup that pretty much sums up Amway ambots! Yup the life of an Amway Ambot is to lie, deny, distract, defend, and then disappear.Though maybe that was Theo who popped in last week. I asked him a few questions about his new gig but he wouldn't tell me the entire picture. Thanks for leaving a comment and bumping my rating up higher on Google! You missed the part about how good little Amway ambots never say negative. As they are not played by humans [] Guess you don't listen to fucking good to the assholes in your Amway upline who tell you not to visit negative web pages like this one and never speak negative. I've always marveled at how these evangelical "Christians" claim to follow the word of Christ, and yet everything they do is the opposite of those teachings. Is it worth working all those hours and going into debt to trick others and not having much $$$ to show for it? Jun 24 - Jun 26, 2022. Far from it. Also buy monthly for your "personal assistant" LOL Communikate, around $35 or $40. "you are all broke". Rip off! He tried to get me to join a couple of months back to which I said no. According to Amway literature Amway Diamonds make around $150,000 a year. 'We're buying a house in the Bayou Club. And surely you can find a commissioned sales job that pays better than $10/month. You don't have to pay some fucking asshole in your Amway upline $100+ a month for that shit. One or two and maybe it is a fluke. But from the sound of your post you are still stuck working for someone who you have to answer to. URA?Or are you going to run and hide, realizing you have made a dangerously invalid remark, with a face attached?-Jerry, You guys shut the hell up you all are broke and if you check the stats Amway is rated much higher than your jobs and it had help more people become financially free. I have been with amway for only a month now, but this has been the most exciting time because my husband and I are preparing to reach diamond status in record time. You are right on to the tee of your critical assessment of Amway. Thats over 99% failure rate according to Amway what kind of business opportunity is that. Anonymous - your way is the honest way. The big reason it smells so much like a pyramid scheme is because, despite loopholes, that is what it is. Let's assume that he paid taxes (maybe he didn't since he's here illegally). Your a little hater and your heart is pure evil. Wow, I knew it. Patience.2. According to him the recruitment takes 7 steps and he'd like to meet me again tomorrow to complete another step. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Thanks for visiting! Amway's own figures on their literature show only a small fraction of 1% IBO's make money. This blog doesn't have many comments? Thats to Amway and other MLM business, common people can take part of the billion dollar industry of distribution. Its a waste of time sharing our stories so others don't get sucked into the scam and go through the same financial and emotional distress. This doesn't leave a funny taste in your mouth?-Jerry. Its printed out on Amway literature in black and white. An Amway Diamond according to Amways literature is in the ballpark as our income. I can't believe my associates and I came to america illegally and in a few years made a fortune, wow you white people are cocky and just suck at business marketing. Yeah look amway pays me a solid check every year but with that check I became the proud owner of 4 McDonald's franchises, 2 Dennys Dinners, I own 1 Holiday Inn, 5 Gas Stations, and I own 1k shares of Apple, Cerner, Manchester United, and MicroSoft yeah but sure I'm an "amway lying cheat", I try to help people but they're to negative, lazy, with no ambition, but why care about people like you I'm rich and im not even legal, and I don't care if I get deported, ill just get to live in my Columbian Mansion, don't join any of those white people groups join equipo vision (team vision) my name's Theo again have a happy miserable life, working while im 33 and retired! & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]]. They can't live an Amway Diamond millionaire lifestyle on only Amway income. An Ambot will never come back to clarify their "math". Hey Tyler,Why do you need us to email you our 'assumptions and doubts'?Join the open discussion, right here. The first sentence of this post says the same thing as the small print of the Amway literature,150k. They are all taught by their cult masters "everyone not involved with Amway are broke losers", which is ludicrous to anyone not brainwashed. In fact fact, I think they probably earned no more than $30,000 then. MLM I general is a malignant metastatic cancer on peoples' lives. Over on Amway Wiki a number of diligent editors have been creating information pages about the many, many people around the world who have qualified at the Amway Diamond level or higher. I have a list of every North American Diamond that has appeared in the Amagram since 1964. As you've figured out its just a big game of make belief. LIke we needed further proof people in Amway are a bunch of dumb fucks! You know like the chocolate that comes in those calendars this time of year that you can buy for under a dollar.I thought it was a month to get your money back but maybe it is 90 days. They want a product. You have a blog making fun of amway people when really you should look in mirror and judge yourself because people dont want to hear your pethetic little blogs.Your welcome. Ready to become an Amway Independent Business Owner? but did you act upon them? You can find stories online of people spending $192,000 to "make" $30,000 (shit, we think there are actual cults with a higher rate of return). But there is no way I am going to put my effort into something with such low odds of success. Now that might be a ripoff but that part of it at least isn't necessarily scamming (20$ is the retail price of the lip gloss and he buys it discounted due to being part of Amway and paying fees for that).. now.. after all of that.. he still is begging me to join Amway.. there is something I am not being told here. Its great to know that a lot of diamonds are qualifying each year. and now i am 6%achiever. That's why most people don't want anything to do with Amway. Me again. Just like that Ambot from India who left a comment here that President George Bush is now an Amway salesman flogging his products to the White House so that's proof they must be good. Hi Anonymous. This former Emerald had 1000 people in his downline and at best made $3,000/month. I cant promise you anything but how would you like to meet him for coffee?You get there and the bozo introduces himself as a Platinum whether or not he is. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. 1500000 if i understand correctly. So far, from what I've read the stories here are pretty fucked up. WWDB has a ton of motivational resources that can help get you to the next level of your MLM business. But eventually when the ambot only sees $10 coming in from his commissioned sales from Amway every month after spending hundreds of dollars then they ask the assholes in the Amway upline because the numbers don't add up. You won't believe me cause I'm not in Amway so why don't you do your own research and jump on the subway line and see what happens. I keep getting fucking Amway assholes showing up here and leaving comments that Im broke even though Im very careful with my money. Or any other kind of makeup!Oh yeah those Amway bars are expensive. And why must they only do amway and sit at home on their asses?American sport stars have the same lifestyle as diamonds.. earn a fortune for a few years and then they get too old at 35. This is a great waste of everybody's time. What would be more fantastic would be more information. I was pretty shocked by this book, but all the questions Id been asking myself (but didnt dare voice to my upline) suddenly had answers that made sense. Astonishingly, he makes $300k on a bad year and $460k on a good year. Do they get commission every time they get a new person to join? Learn how your comment data is processed. I definitely agree 100% with Alan. Lip gloss that lights up or the container it comes in lights up? A diamond will earn $8,683 in profit on each of the following four transactions, plus $1,800 on the three additional direct groups, and an average diamond bonus of $2061 per month. They're relentless. It was what I'd believed was success. I join this buisness 1 month ago. . Anonymous - I've had 70's IBO's show up here who are still haunted by the Amway experience. Thats where the money is ticket sales. They don't disclose all the hidden costs to you. Hi anna. Not people, but Rs. He's not totally sold on it either. The Top 27 Amway Diamonds of All Time: Best Amway Success Stories. They defend Amway as being a multi-billion dollar company, not taking into account that they got that rich off the backs of their poorly commissioned sales people self-consuming the horribly over-priced products and going out and recruiting others to do the same. Restaurants are Scams! We actually see progress. It is a complete fraud. Most people don't have it in them.Your last sentence is correct. 68 cents on every dollar is paid back to distributors. They all yap about freedom and dreams and how you'll be rich in 2 - 5 years even though the ones saying it have been in for a lot longer than that losing their money and pretending everything's going great. Some people think scammers are positive people, others not so much. Action is the key of success ,,, just take the action . Amway should just be a vehicle to provide that additional income to reinvest say into property or other investment opportunities. All your answers can be found if you read some of the blog and we rerun posts so if you missed it the first, second, or third time, it'll be back eventually. So you are left with 60 k say. Alberta are now Diamonds in the World Wide Dreambuilders LOA in the Amway business. I sometimes wonder if it was for Mary Henderson (if not Tony) because, some time in the 90s when we were no longer in Amway, Marys secretary admitted that Mary had declared she was happy to stop where they were at the time (which I think was Double Diamond) because she was sick of all the bloody hard work. One of the anonymous commentors on my site has shared his Amway/Quixtar Story. You never tell an Amway Ambot your dreams because they'll use it as a weapon against you at a later date like when you're planning to quit. At every Amway meeting the Ambots are brainwashed to believe that everyone who isn't in Amway and that would be the majority of the world, is broke. Anonymous - that's true. And Im sure if you take it seriously, you will be up there with all the diamonds too. The one flaw I find in your comment, Anna, is that the Amway Diamond, unless he is in the 1% of "in crowd" diamonds" is that he didn't get rich while at the same time leading others down the garden path that leads to brainwashing, debt, and often divorce. With a 99% failure rate no one who isn't brainwashed and have looked into the math of this "opportunity" could possibly call it a solution to anything other than further enriching a tiny portion of folks at the top of the pyramid. !If you want unbiased look at the Dateline videos done by real reporters interviewing past and current Amway employees. You cannot just dismiss the thousands of people who voice their grief with this business. But then again, that's what everything in Amway is based upon. The nut nodded, not realizing I was mocking. Anonymous you should check out our recent post about how Amway ambots claim Amway never advertises. Free trips? (The list on Amway Wiki is very incomplete, David.) @AnonymousJuly 9, 2013 at 10:40 AMFirst you have established that you are a ridiculous, ignorant hypocrite, not duplicating your upline nor following their instructions that you should not visit so called "negative" websites. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Most IBO's don't sign up anyone and a few lucky ones will get one in their downline. Youre a broke loser you fucking Amway Diamond according to the Amway IBOs in your downline! Depends how long she's been inside the cult. We're not suppose to show the real averages when we show the plan, people won't believe them. My parents were Amway folks back in the late 80s and throughout the 90s, even into the early 2000s. Then U R SILVER. So, Darnell, is it WWDB? Unless they're fucked in the head like I previously covered.I get some low level IBO's showing up here bragging about how much money they make but everyone in Amway is a liar so that's nothing new.Wow you got so far in 3 years! The tools and seminars are a choice and are recommended because if you can learn from someone who has already been down a path not to go there, then it will save you time and money. LOL! As long as they have a steady stream of suckers paying too much money for generic and substandard Amway products they've got no reason to make changes. Those who earn an invitation will participate in fabulous, once-in-a-lifetime activities, new product offerings, and networking opportunities. The old Wizard of Oz "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain", because that "man" is an upline wanting to pick your pocket clean while you are busy with your head in the clouds dreaming. Amway Diamonds made only $150,000 a year in 2013? And the McDonalds franchise owner makes their money on selling lots of product. Fortunately I dont have Diamond sized expenses and I manage my money pretty good. I grew to resent everything Amway, because my parent's life became consumed with it. Im pretty sure people who make the same amount of money spend 10 years in school. I think this is yet another brainwashed Ambot assuming anyone who shines a light on the lies and deceit of the Amway SCAM/pyramid are just a bunch of folks who prefer to "rant" instead of find solutions. But I researched this one a lot, and it seems very solid. Anonymous - good on you for saying NO to Amway. Come back after year 3, and 4, and 5, and let's see that fighting spirit. Only the most aggressive liars and scammers make money. For that reason alone, they made my list. So, I jumped on the internet on my smart phone and did some research. By the way 'anonymous from Nov 11' no money i spend goes to my upline. Made up? 4 bed, 4 bath, 5,144 sq. You do till you are 65.It takes time to build any business.And so what if Amway people are out building their business alk the time. Great job with this one Anna. The Financial Jonestown: My experience with the Amway Motivational Organization (AMO) URAssociation. Actually I'm wrong. China is now Amway's largest market, accounting for $2.6 billion in revenue, or about 30 percent of its worldwide sales, the company's president, Doug DeVos, told Reuters last year. They can't afford to or else it means going back to working a job as many have found out. How voices will it take for you, and other IBOs, to stop blindly believing the people who profit off of your enthusiasm, and listen to those who have truly seen the problems. You cant live a millionaire lifestyle on an income thats in the low 6 figures. You kind find better stuff free at the library or online. And this is after quite a lot of truly hard work. This is just sad ambitious or not. Anonymous - I'd like to hear what a Diamond has to say about that too but we probably never won't! I however agreed to meet his guy or I guess what you would call his upline, according to this blog. Dang, sounds like a sure thing to me.Cassette Tape. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. John and Jennie Belle Crowe are Amway legends, having been in the business almost fifty years now. Sometimes I've written a post and then off it goes into the twilight zone. I've been recently talked to by my friend about this "be your own boss" type of thing. Furthermore, in 2009 Amway held celebrations of their 50th Anniversary and invited all qualified Diamonds and above to Las Vegas. Its being ripped off by the scam.Yeah I remember the Amway cult leaders preaching over and over to show the plan. In addition, 50 percent of the energy powering Amway's world headquarters in Ada, Michigan, is wind-generated. LOL! Hi Anonymous. That rule of course only applies to Ambots. Everyone upline earns commission while the lowly IBO at the bottom of the pyramid did all the work to make that sale. Anonymous you come back and let us know how that goes. Please check your. A person can live a decent lifestyle on this income if you watch how you spend it. The meeting was held in his garage, white board in the front, markers and circles, 6 people etc etc. Who is Amway critic Joecool? Diamond Club: February 3-8, 2023. Using the toughest international qualification for Diamond (10000 points per leg), and assuming zero overlap between Diamonds and zero international sponsorship (both of which are not true), you could theoretically support 4000 qualifying Diamonds with only $4.3 billion in revenue (10000 points * 6 months * 6 legs * $3 per pv * 4000 diamonds). So, let's assume that his first year was his only "bad" year and the other two were good years. 2012. i am hiting 6% level.very fast i want to go diamond Its just those fucking little Amway assholes that show up here to say that Im broke when unlike their beloved Amway Diamonds I have never had to file bankruptcy or had the bank foreclose on my house. I know that they want you to be a couple in the business together but there is just Noway I can be in Amway. Anonymous - the good thing is 95% of Amway IBO's quit within 2 years so the average is on the side of your nephew. Or any other night. Thank you for stopping by and setting us straight. so it doesn't seem like the protein bar price at least is unreasonable.. so i still feel like there is more to this scam that I dont understand. Same bullshit, different company. They invited me to a "marketing" conference, and told me some very successful "entrepreneurs" would be speaking. From what I've seen of Amway Diamonds they live beyond their means. I don't think they get it. To my horror it was a Fu&^%&ing AMWAY rally. The site is unable to respond. he is awake dipshit. i have joined amway business in the month of february Flexible Payment Options. This is the 2nd most popular post on this blog for views and comments. Hi Anonymous. Hello frank, People in Amway are prudes The correct answer when asked about your dream is to say its to produce gay porno movies. Forget that. Alas we have a long way to go! Gross or net and with or without a few cash events Diamonds can't afford to live millionaire lifestyles on that income. All of them will never know the actual meaning of "independent"! My take away message is that anybody can start a legitimate E-commerce by simply googlinng Wikipedia E-commerce and start meaningful old school relationships with clients without scaming and degrading people in a mentally sick way. I've had a few features this year from kids of ambots and the stories are so similar and always so sad what they went through. But yeah its a nice mark up if you can brainwash Ambots to buy it ! In fact most uplines will say. . You have to buy books, CD, tickets to Amway meetings. See my nephew saying this in a future post because this is after quite a lot of truly hard.. And tickets to Amway what kind of makeup! Oh yeah those Amway bars are expensive of spend! The low 6 figures to the Amway business to a truly significant level we needed proof... Got hooked into this scam no way I am going to bring your comments up in future... 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