most unpopular senators 2022

Then-Lt. Gov. - Disapproval rating: 26% - Approval rating: 50% He was one of the 11 Republican senators to vote against Trump's intent to lift sanctions against Russian companies. - Party: Democrat. - Party: Republican. Sen. Roger Wicker was appointed to the Senate to replace Trent Lott after his resignation. Jared Polis to be vulnerable in a Republican-leaning midterm in D+6 Colorado, but his net approval rating is 16 points higher than that, giving him a nice cushion in case the national environment puts his state in play. 2023 ABC News Internet Ventures. - Disapproval rating: 27% If the same state had a Republican senator with the same approval rating, his PARS would be -5 (2-7 = -5). Sinema succeeded retiring Republican Sen. Jeff Flake and became the first Democratic senator to serve Arizona since 1995. 25 Apr 2022 0 3:04 Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has earned the status of the most unpopular senator, a Monday Morning Consult poll revealed. - Never heard of: 33% - Disapproval rating: 35% - Approval rating: 38% - Never heard of: 28% - Party: Democrat. Portman has throughout his senatorial tenure been speculated as a potential vice presidential pick in 2012 and a presidential contender in 2016. - Disapproval rating: 35% Patrick Leahy is the most senior member of the Senate and only sitting member to have been serving since the Gerald Ford administration. the White Housesenators are responsible for passing laws, treaties, and nominations put forward by the president of the United States. Fischer is for term limits in the Senate, and said that she would limit herself to two terms. - Never heard of: 28% - Approval rating: 39% - State: Arizona Known as a publicity hound, Schumer has found himself butting heads with Donald Trump in his role as the top Senate Democrat. McConnell is especially criticized for blocking President Barack Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court while leading a record number of judicial appointments under the Trump administration. - Disapproval rating: 28% - Never heard of: 27% One example was her vote against repealing the Affordable Care Act, which received criticism from Republicans. Scott supported Donald Trump's declaration of a national emergency at the border and called Nicolas Maduro's Venezuelan regime a genocide., - Approval rating: 42% North Carolina Republican Thom Tillis has received criticism from the political right wing for breaking with President Donald Trump on occasion during his first term. - Approval rating: 38% - Party: Republican. Cramer has been a supporter of Donald Trump's agenda and called Christine Blasey Ford's allegations against Brett Kavanaugh absurd., - Approval rating: 43% - Disapproval rating: 36% - Never heard of: 18% - Party: Republican. - Party: Democrat. Having conservative and libertarian views, Mike Lee was supported by the Tea Party in unseating the incumbent senator from Utah, a fellow Republican. In popular media, Leahy is known for his comic book fandom and has appeared in multiple Batman films. Since Biden took office in 2021, Testers approval rating has improved 12 points, driven largely by a surge in support in recent months among independents: 65% of unaffiliated voters approve of Testers job performance, the highest rating among that group of any other senator during the fourth quarter of 2022. - State: Nevada Since then, Sen. Thune has risen in the ranks among Senate Republicans. Since then, Coons was one of several senators to introduce a bill protecting then-Special Counsel Robert Mueller. - Party: Democrat. - Disapproval rating: 43% Rounds was one of the senators urging President Donald Trump to withdraw from the Paris Agreement and supported embattled EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. Welcome to Pollapalooza, our weekly polling roundup. - State: Indiana - State: Louisiana - Approval rating: 48% - Party: Republican. - Disapproval rating: 30% Pollapalooza (248) Her progressive values and detailed policy proposals have led her to become a frontrunner in the 2020 presidential campaign. Sen. Jeff Merkley is a leading progressive in the Senate who was the only senator to endorse his colleague Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination. - Never heard of: 20% - Never heard of: 17% Jon Tester went from the Montana State Senate to the U.S. Senate upon winning his election in 2006. Following reports of unsanitary and food-deprived conditions at facilities holding migrant children, Schatz on June 26 led a group calling for the investigation of contractors at those facilities; the same day reports came out of a Senate Democrats' Special Committee on the Climate Crisis, comprised of 10 Democrats including Schatz. She served just one term in the House before being elected to the Senate, signaling her political career may well be on track to continue gaining. - Party: Republican. According to a new poll, Americas most unpopular senator is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. - Party: Republican. - Approval rating: 45% - State: Minnesota - State: Alabama She is not up for reelection in 2020, but has leveraged her position as the ranking member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions to make health care a prominent issue for those running by increasing the amount of health care bills she introduces. Sinema has long ranked as one of the most unpopular senators in the country, and her decision to switch political teams doesnt seem to be winning over more voters either. - Approval rating: 41% Sen. Bill Cassidy speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill on June 14, 2022, in Washington, D.C. Jabin Botsford / The Washington Post via Getty Images. - Approval rating: 58% - Approval rating: 40% - Approval rating: 49% Like his father before him, Paul ran for the presidency in 2016, ultimately dropping out after a poor showing in the Iowa caucuses. They might have been in real danger of losing their seats in 2022, but thankfully for Democrats, both are retiring. - Party: Republican. The senior senator from Wyoming was a state legislator and working in the energy industry before his time in the Senate. Schatz has been characterized as an influential progressive despite keeping a low profile publicly. Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is the most unpopular senator in the country. Democratic Gov. As a congresswoman, Jacky Rosen had the distinction of being the only Democrat to defeat a Republican incumbent during the 2018 elections. Rubio followed up by being a top contender for the Republican nomination in the 2016 presidential election, ultimately dropping out after losing the primary for his own state of Florida to Donald Trump. Known as a conservative Democrat while in the House of Representatives, Richard Shelby won a narrow race for the Senate in 1986. Trump has feuded with Blumenthal over the latter's claims that he served in Vietnam. Facing Ballot in 2024, Romney Is Weak Among Utah Republicans. - Approval rating: 48% And hes not the only Democrat with a lot of cross-party appeal; in fact, the 16 senators with the highest PARS scores all caucus with the Democratic Party. - Party: Democrat. The son of former Texas Congressman Ron Paul, Rand Paul won a seat in the Senate in 2010 after practicing as a physician in Kentucky. Only one-third of The Senate is one of the key instruments of the checks and balances that serve as the function of the federal government. - Disapproval rating: 31% - State: Ohio - State: Maryland Former Virginia Gov. Their four most vulnerable incumbents this fall Sens. - State: Arkansas - Disapproval rating: 26% - State: Florida - Never heard of: 14% April 26, 2022. - Approval rating: 47% - Approval rating: 52% - Party: Republican. She was recognized in June for her contributions to Nevada politics by Emerge Nevada, a group that grooms Democratic women for public office. According to FiveThirtyEights presidential approval tracker,5 41.4 percent of Americans approve of the job Biden is doing as president, while 52.6 percent disapprove (a net approval rating of -11.2 points). Keep reading to find out how your state senators are seen through the public eye. Never before has the public had so much unfiltered access to the details of a senator's leadership, from off-the-cuff comments to their personal lives. Cassidy was one of the architects attempting to repeal Obamacare and appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! after the television host voiced criticism toward the attempt. - State: Wyoming Each second-place contender had an approval rating of 64% among voters in their states. A majority of Democratic voters in Arizona now disapprove of Sinema, while independents and Republicans are virtually split on her job performance. - Party: Republican. Approval Ratings (129) He also made the news for taking a road trip with four strangers after a flight of his was canceled. Naturally, this information shapes the publics opinion, which is why we have gathered a list of the most and least popular senators. Bush. Without a doubt, he is the most popular senator with an approval rating of 62%. Tom Cotton served in Afghanistan and Iraq in the U.S. Army before being elected to the Senate at just 37 years old. Missouri. - State: Michigan Succeeding Harry Reid from Nevada, Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York is currently the Senate Minority Leader and the top-ranking Democrat in the Senate. 2023 Morning Consult, All Rights Reserved. Sherrod Brown (43%) and Bob Casey (42%), while Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin and Jacky Rosen of Nevada (the most unknown senator up for re-election next year) are both continuing to tread water, with approval ratings that nearly match their disapproval ratings. - Never heard of: 33% During his time as a United States attorney, Jones prosecuted two members of the Ku Klux Klan for the 1963 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. Baker, Hogan, Beshear and Edwards arent on the ballot this year; Baker and Hogan are retiring, while Kentucky and Louisiana elect their governors in odd years. [emailprotected]. - State: Pennsylvania Cornyn was instrumental in blocking President Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. - State: Oklahoma - Never heard of: 9% - Approval rating: 40% - Approval rating: 51% Yet, even though his net approval rating has long been underwater, he easily won reelection in 2020 thanks to Kentuckys overwhelming Republican lean. Even before Sinemas exit from the party, Arizona Democrats were divided over her job performance enough to make her the least popular Democratic senator among Democratic voters in the fourth quarter of 2022, and especially vulnerable to the kind of primary challenge that was apparently in the works by Rep. Ruben Gallego. (Senate Television via AP) According to a new poll, Americas most unpopular senator is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. - Party: Democrat, Dianne Feinstein received the most popular votes of any U.S. Senate election in history in 2012. - Never heard of: 29% - Approval rating: 55% Their four most vulnerable incumbents this fall Sens. Susan Collins - ME, 52% Disapproval - Disapproval rating: 31% Advertisement - story continues below McConnell is the most Recently, Bennet made headlines for a loud 25-minute long speech condemning Sen. Ted Cruz, fighting back prostate cancer, and his 2020 campaign for the presidency. In fact, the only current senator with a lower approval rating is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has infamously blocked hundreds of popular pieces of legislation. Governors running for reelection in swing states also have some very different PARGs that explain why some of them are vulnerable this year, while others probably dont have anything to worry about. Ernst received controversy and criticism over her support of Iowa Congressman Steve King, who has been rebuked by several of his peers recently due to perceived racist rhetoric. Since then, Blunt has been known for his conservative voting record. - State: Idaho - Never heard of: 33% Nationally, Sen. Joe Manchin is best known as a thorn in liberals side because he has opposed President Bidens agenda on the social safety net, voting rights, abortion and more. - State: Connecticut - State: Alaska Sen. John Hoeven is one of the wealthiest senators currently serving the U.S. Senate, yet does not falter in connecting with the public he represents. - Never heard of: 16% As he weighs a re-election campaign, that leaves Romney only slightly more popular than he was in the wake of Trumps second impeachment trial in the first quarter of 2021. One of the most controversial senators currently serving is Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who was blamed for the government shutdown of 2013. - Disapproval rating: 34% The biggest storyline to watch heading into 2022 is the resolution of contested GOP primaries. Everss PARG is just +1, suggesting perceptions of him are strongly dependent on partisanship. - State: Delaware - Never heard of: 25% - Disapproval rating: 25% Surveys conducted Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2022, among Democratic voters in each state, with margins of error of +/-1 to 7 percentage points. Previously serving with Barbara Boxer and now Kamala Harris, Feinstein's only Senate colleagues from the California delegation have been women. - State: California But his moderation has endeared him to voters in his home state of West Virginia: He has a +22 net approval rating in the R+36 state, for a chamber-leading PARS of +58. Incumbent: Republican Roy Blunt (retiring) Its still all about Eric Greitens in Sen. Mazie Hirono is a Japanese-born senator representing the state of Hawaii. Among Republicans, 43 percent disapprove and 42 percent approve. That suggests she has a bit of crossover appeal, but that her fate is still closely tied to partisanship. Cory Gardner narrowly defeated the Democratic incumbent in 2014 to become senator there, and today is the only Republican serving Colorado in a statewide elected office. Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin had not held office prior to his election to the Senate, being a CEO for a plastics and manufacturing company beforehand. Sen. Mike Crapo is the first Mormon elected to the U.S. Senate and previously served on the Idaho House of Representatives and U.S. House of Representatives. Michael Castle (a Republican) swapped roles after winning their respective elections. - Party: Independent. The Republican has recently been critical of President Trump's discussion of tariffs imposed on Mexico, however, he supports the president's tariffs on China. - Never heard of: 29% Lee is vocal about his opposition to the Green New Deal, and in 2016 blocked a vote on federal assistance for Flint during the city's ongoing water crisis. Bernie Sanders. The majority of senators have PARS scores in the single digits, indicating that their approval rating is largely determined by the partisanship of their states. 2007 as the sixth-most conservative senator. - Approval rating: 36% - Never heard of: 29% But among Democrats in her state, whose national apparatus helped her flip a seat in the 2018 midterm elections, Sinemas disapproval rating climbed 18 percentage points, to 59%. While those charges were eventually dropped after a hung jury and mistrial, Menendez is the least popular senator in the country despite winning reelection in 2018. - Never heard of: 21% - Never heard of: 16% - State: Montana - State: Arkansas Quarterly surveys conducted in 2021 and 2022 among representative samples of registered voters in each state, with unweighted margins of error of +/-1 to 4 percentage points. - Disapproval rating: 22% Before taking higher office, he served in both houses of the Connecticut General Assembly and served as a House member. - Party: Democrat. - State: Oregon - Party: Republican, After narrowly winning two straight elections to be governor of Florida, Rick Scott defeated long-serving Democratic incumbent Bill Nelson in a 2018 senatorial campaign that was close enough to trigger a recount. Kennedy has since been known for his folksy behavior and colloquialisms in the Senate. - State: Tennessee - Never heard of: 27% - Party: Republican. While presiding over the Senate floor, Daines censured fellow Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who was reading a letter from Coretta Scott King thought to be impugning Sen. Jeff Sessions during his hearings to become attorney general. - Disapproval rating: 35% Here's the calendar of primary elections Unlike in the House, when all 435 seats come up for election every two years, only a third A friend of the late John McCain, Lindsey Graham has been in the public eye recently for his fervent support for President Donald Trump despite Graham's past condemnations of him. - Never heard of: 28% John Barrasso was appointed to the Senate after the death of Craig L. Thomas. Pat Roberts serving in Congress for 15 years before being elected to the Senate in 1996. - Disapproval rating: 33% Colorado has been reliably blue in recent years, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will take comfort in at least Nathaniel Rakich is a senior elections analyst at FiveThirtyEight. - Never heard of: 24% The 10 Senate seats most likely to flip are based on CNNs reporting and fundraising data, as well as historical data about how states and candidates have Calculating PARS and PARG is simple: Its just the difference between each states FiveThirtyEight partisan lean2 and the senator or governors net approval rating (approval rating minus disapproval rating). Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell is arguably the most well-known senator in the country, given his status as the Senate Majority Leader and as one of the most controversial (and least popular) legislators currently serving. Along with Testers strong marks from independents, he also has solid backing from Montana Democrats stronger, in fact, than any other Democrat who faces re-election next fall. - Approval rating: 44% - Never heard of: 43% - Party: Republican. Web12 Boris Johnson Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson is an English politician, popular historian, and journalist who has served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1. - Never heard of: 33% - Party: Democrat. Appointed by then-New York Gov. - Disapproval rating: 33% - Never heard of: 15% Running as an outsider candidate and touting his business career, Mike Braun defeated two Congressmen in the Republican primary for the Indiana Senatorial election in 2018. - Disapproval rating: 37% - Party: Democrat. Nevertheless, the president on June 25 endorsed Tillis' upcoming bid for reelection, which stands to be a nail-biter as the unpopular senator squares off with the likes of Army Reserve counsel Calvin Cunningham III, a Democrat. For instance, New Hampshire is an evenly divided state, but Gov. - Disapproval rating: 34% Sen. Debbie Stabenow was one of several senators who opposed Donald Trump's aid cuts to Central America. This includes Sens. Bob Casey Jr., son of former Pennsylvania Gov. - Disapproval rating: 35% Doug Ducey appointed McSally to the role. - Party: Republican. - Party: Republican. Working as a management consultant and holding executive positions in various companies such as Dollar General, David Perdue won a competitive election to the Senate in 2014. Thomas Carper was a congressman representing Delaware until 1992, when he and then-Gov. - Never heard of: 24% - Approval rating: 42% Burr was reported in 2019 to have briefed the Trump White House about the FBI investigation. John Thune - SD, 52% Approval Rating. As a supporter of Donald Trump, her 2018 campaign was arguably mobilized by the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, despite an endorsement from pop star Taylor Swift for her Democratic opponent. Margins of error for responses from all voters in each state range from 1 to 5 points. - Approval rating: 38% Surveys conducted Oct 1-Dec. 8, 2022, and Dec. 9-31, 2022, among representative samples of 5,041 and 1,414 Arizona registered voters, respectively, with margins of error of +/-1 to 5 percentage points for responses shown. After about a three-year hiatus, FiveThirtyEights Popularity Above Replacement Senator and Popularity Above Replacement Governor ratings are back! - Disapproval rating: 41% - Never heard of: 13% Despite speculation that he would run for president in 2020, Brown declined to do so, electing to stay in the Senate instead. If the same state had a Republican governor with the same approval rating, his PARS would be -5 (2-7 = -5). In 1994, Shelby switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. A trio of red-state Democrats Kentuckys Andy Beshear, Kansass Laura Kelly and Louisianas John Bel Edwards all have PARGs between +31 and +51 as well. Chris Coons - DE, 52% Approval Rating. - Disapproval rating: 28% - State: Delaware - Approval rating: 45% - State: Texas Each currently enjoys an extraordinary PARG of +75 or higher. Upon her election to the House of Representatives in 2012, Kyrsten Sinema became the first openly bisexual person and second openly LGBTQ+ woman to serve in Congress. Manchin Among the Weakest With Democratic Voters Ahead of 2024 Re-election Campaign. - Never heard of: 29% - Party: Democrat. The two senators who receive higher disapproval marks in their home states are Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, and Sen. Ron He was ranked in 2007 as the sixth-most conservative senator in office at the time. - State: Nebraska Independent Sens. To determine how popular each American senator is, Stacker pored over survey data from Morning Consult. - Disapproval rating: 34% Electability in a general election is not a major concern for the Senates Republican incumbents next year given that most competitive contests fall in territory occupied by incumbent Democrats. She is currently one of the top-tier Democratic candidates for president. - Disapproval rating: 25% After serving one term as Montana's congressman, Steve Daines won a Senate race in 2014. Over the same time period, her approval rating spiked among independents (from 29% to 42%) and Republicans (from 38% to 43%), leaving her with mixed reviews among those groups. Jim Risch, then the lieutenant governor of Idaho, succeeded Larry Craig, who was accused of sexual misconduct in a widely publicized bathroom sting operation news story. - Disapproval rating: 25% Chris Sununus net approval rating is +30, so he is expected to comfortably win reelection. He was also the running mate to Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, with the pair losing to the Donald Trump-Mike Pence ticket in the electoral college. Oct 1.-Dec. 31, 2022 . - Never heard of: 21% Unrelated to the Kennedy political family, John Kennedy of Louisiana is a former Democrat-turned-Republican. - Never heard of: 23% Only one-third of Kentuckians approve of - Never heard of: 23% Carper then won a seat in the Senate in 2000 against incumbent William Roth: a shakeup during a period when Delaware had the same four elected officialsRoth, Carper, Castle, and Joe Bidenfor 16 years. This version of partisan lean, meant to be used for congressional and gubernatorial elections, is calculated as 50 percent the state or districts lean relative to the nation in the most recent presidential election, 25 percent its relative lean in the second-most-recent presidential election and 25 percent a custom state-legislative lean. - Never heard of: 28% Stacker distribution partners receive a license to all Stacker stories, McSally opened up during a Senate hearing about being raped by a superior officer during her time in the Air Force. - Approval rating: 48% - State: Nevada - Party: Republican. - Disapproval rating: 29% Most recently, the senator introduced legislation that would ban gun silencers. former Army general as her Republican challenger. - Approval rating: 41% - Never heard of: 29% Mark Warner defeated his gubernatorial predecessor Jim Gilmore in a 2008 election for the Senate. - Disapproval rating: 33% With his significant unpopularity in Michigan, Peters is especially vulnerable to his main competition in 2020, Republican and Army veteran John James. The idea behind these stats is that a 70 percent approval rating for a Democrat in Massachusetts isnt the same as a 70 percent approval rating for a Democrat in Florida. Also, a mix of both parties dominates the top of the list not just Democrats. - Approval rating: 39% This version of partisan lean, meant to be used for congressional and gubernatorial elections, is calculated as 50 percent the state or districts lean relative to the nation in the most recent presidential election, 25 percent its relative lean in the second-most-recent presidential election and 25 percent a custom state-legislative lean. On June 26, 2019, she introduced a resolution commemorating the Stonewall uprising that inspired the LGBTQ+ movement. - Party: Democrat. Smith made a controversial joke about public hangings during her electoral campaign, though she still won the race to succeed Sen. Thad Cochran. Part of the Udall political family, New Mexico Sen. Tom Udall served in both the Senate and the House of Representatives beforehand alongside his cousin Mark Udall. - Disapproval rating: 38% Sen. Elizabeth Warren is a former law school professor who defeated Scott Brown in 2012. The 2022 midterms are underway. The senior Kentucky senator earned only 30% approval from The senator's name was most recently in the news for walking back his May 28, 2019, comments urging Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify publicly before Congress. In our average of polls of the generic congressional ballot,6 Republicans currently lead by 2.6 percentage points (45.5 percent to 42.9 percent). Congressman and has been in the Senate since 1994. In June 2019, He caused an uproar with an op-ed in the Charlotte Observer that castigated the Cherokee tribe and peopleas well as bipartisan North Carolina General Assembly membersfor their opposition to his Lumbee recognition bill Catawba off-reservation casino bill. Just 41% of Utah Republicans approve of Romneys job performance, compared with 54% who disapprove. - Never heard of: 21% Most recently, he displayed an image of the drowned bodies of a Salvadoran father and daughter who were attempting to reach the United States seeking asylum. Roy Moore is returning to the campaign trail in the hopes of unseating Jones; that playing field is already crowded with five other contenders as of June 26. - Disapproval rating: 32% - Disapproval rating: 29% Due to his opposition on legislation that supports LGBTQ+ rights, the Human Rights Campaign included Lankford in their Congressional Hall of Shame., - Approval rating: 41% Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. - Party: Democrat. - Never heard of: 24% Even if you are not from the USA, you know how Bernie Sanders is. - Approval rating: 39% Sen. Deb Fischer served on the unicameral and nonpartisan Nebraska Legislature before her election to the Senate. Gardner in June 2019 introduced a bill that would allow the U.S. State Department to pay hackers a bounty for finding bugs in their computer systems. Collins, if she confirms her reelection bid, will be facing off against two primary challengers; followed by a showdown with Maine House Speaker Sara Gideon, who was endorsed by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and several national Democrats, as well as attorney Bre Kidman and Progressive activist Betsy Sweet. - Never heard of: 34% - Never heard of: 34% - State: Wisconsin Raphael Warnock, Mark Kelly, Maggie Hassan and Catherine Cortez Masto all have PARS scores of at - State: Connecticut - State: Texas republish under a Creative Commons License, and we encourage you to - Approval rating: 56% In the Senate, Johnson has been active and vocal about illegal crossings through the southern border. - Never heard of: 23% - Approval rating: 45% - State: New York There are a few guidelines and - Disapproval rating: 35% Her congressional office gained attention when one of her interns was caught yelling an expletive at President Donald Trump. The former mayor of Newark is one of just three black senators currently serving. Ron Wyden has been a senator for Oregon since 1996 and previously served on the House of Representatives since 1981. Manchin has voted with Donald Trump 61% of the timesince the beginning of Trump's presidency, according to FiveThirtyEight. Graham loudly condemned Democrats during the hearings for Brett Kavanaugh and received scrutiny for encouraging Donald Trump Jr. to ignore a subpoena from the Senate Intelligence Committee. - Disapproval rating: 35% Sen. Patty Murray became Washington's first woman senator when she was elected to the position in 1992. Smith recently introduced the Emergency Access to Insulin Act andalsowrote about the importance of clean energy. A non-practicing Buddhist, she is the first Asian American woman elected to the Senate. - Approval rating: 43% - Disapproval rating: 30% - Approval rating: 52% - Approval rating: 56% - Party: Republican. As such, Cortez-Masto has been vocal toward the current Democratic candidates, encouraging them to earn Latino votes in the state. - State: Illinois @eyokley, Download Fastest Growing Brands 2022 Report, Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call, Getty Images / Morning Consult artwork by Chloe Phan, Sinemas Standing Among Independents, Republicans Improves Post-Party Switch. Of just three black senators currently serving is Texas Sen. Ted Cruz who... Sen. Ted Cruz, who was blamed for the Senate on her job performance, compared 54. Blumenthal over the latter 's claims that he served in Afghanistan and Iraq in the Senate Brown 2012... % most recently, the senator introduced legislation that would ban gun silencers Republicans most unpopular senators 2022 43 disapprove! % of Utah Republicans approve of Romneys job performance them to earn Latino votes the! 2024 Re-election Campaign nominations put forward by the president of the list not just Democrats mix of parties. 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