buddy deane show negro day

Oh sure, if you were Joe College [pre-preppie], you just didnt do The Deane Show. Did you ever tum into a Joe College? I ask innocently. maintains the basic of Waterss story, but like the Broadway version and musical film, it features more than a dozen songs that help to convey the hopeful narrative. Buddy could take his seat beneath the famous Top 20 Board, and the tension would build. My mother used to pick me up after school to make sure nobody hassled me., The adoring fans could also be a hassle. GOD HELP US! Although the Committee was a valuable promotional tool for WJZ at the time, and belonging was a full-time job, no one (except teen assistants) was paid a penny. This assessment proved true when on Aug. 12, 1963 a group of black and white kids stormed the stage of "The Buddy Deane Show" and danced together. So the rules were bent a little; the big ones, the ones with the fan mail, were allowed to stay. My mother wanted me to go, she took me down to the tryouts. It was similar to Philadelphia's American Bandstand. It was similar to Philadelphia's American Bandstand. http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2016/03/how-madison-line-dance-got-its-name-and.html, http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2016/03/al-brown-and-ray-bryant-madison-records.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddy_Deane_Show, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairspray_(2007_film), http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2015/06/timeline-for-cultural-use-of-saying.html, https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/tv/on-hairsprays-25th-anniversary-buddydeane-committee-looks-back/2013/01/17/a45a1cc2-5c23-11e2-88d0-c4cf65c3ad15_story.html, http://theurbandaily.com/2011/06/01/black-music-moment-96-short-lived-integration-of-the-buddy-deane-show/. Print Headline: Buddy Deane Show was huge hit for young viewers in the late 1950s, Copyright 2023, Northwest Arkansas Newspapers LLC. It was similar to Philadelphia's American Bandstand. Id get letters saying, If you show up at this particular hop, youre gonna get your face pushed in. I was so embarrassed. Almost all dancers wore swim wear and beach attire, with music provided by WJZ-TV. three, two, one. From 1968 into 1973, the public television variety show SOUL! After you sprayed it, youd get toilet paper and blot it. We used to go to stand in front of Reads Drugstore, and people would ask for our autograph.. They just wanted to know if you were real. Im a typical housewife, says Peanuts. When: Summer 1963. Once a month the show was all black; there was no black Committee. There were a lot of obscene phone calls., And the rumors, God, the rumors. "I still go to the Buddy Deane reunions," he says. The Hairspray Live! We hung around with black and whites together, which you couldnt do. But it went something like this: Buddy Deane was an exclusively white show. On Negro day a group of black and white kids staged a similar sneak attack on the Buddy Deane Show. Originally aired 11/5/1986. ' And Evanne still shudders as she recalls, Once I was in the cafeteria. The Buddy Deane Showwas a teen dancetelevision show, created by Zvi Shoubin, hosted by Winston "Buddy" Deane(1924-2003), and aired on WJZ-TV(Channel 13), the ABCaffiliate station in Baltimorefrom 1957 until 1964. Then we made up on camera.. "The Buddy Deane Show," which aired on WJZ-TV in Baltimore from 1957 until 1964. . Hairspray is firmly rooted in 1960s America, but it offers both sophisticated and (tellingly) simplistic ways of understanding racism today. The first page of the essay, for example, features a full-page picture of black protestors in 1962 in Times . He wanted me to go to a summer training session to be a trapeze artist. We really sprayed it, remembers Mary Lou today from her home in Pennsylvania. Washington D.C.'s The Milt Grant Show offered "Black Tuesday" and Baltimore's The Buddy Deane Show had "Negro Day" because . Deaners seem to come out of the woodwork, drawn by the memory of their stardom. Deane hosted a morning show at WITH. 'Buddy Deane' really did have "Negro day" once a month -- it was called worse in some neighborhoods in Baltimore. The Corny Collins Show, it turns out, was lifted almost literally from the extremely popular Buddy Deane Show, Baltimore's answer to Dick Clark's American Bandstand. An then there was teased hair, replacing the 50s drape with a Buddy Deane look that so pervaded Baltimore culture (especially in East and South Baltimore) that its effect is still seen in certain neighborhoods of this great Hairdo Capital of the World. Ladies and Gentleman . So that was all true in a way, in a weird way., The girls hair was higher, the pants were tighter, and in real life it went off the air because they wouldnt integrate it. If you were a Buddy Deane Committee member, you were on TV six days a week for as many as three hours a dayenough media exposure to make Marshall McLuhans head spin. We have a telegram, Buddy would shout almost daily, for Mary Lou to lead a dance, and the cameraman seemed to love her. The movie was eventually turned into a musical by the same name. has the chance to resurface a forgotten history of how discrimination in pop culture intimately shaped the lives of young people 50 years ago. In my on-going search for African American footage I stumbled across this article in Google. Arguably the first TV celebrities in Baltimore. Before long I started getting lots of fan mail: I think youre neat. Deane even played a small role in the movie, which premiered to moderate success but went on to become a cult classic. It was so painful. The Buddy Deane Show: With Channing Wilroy, Buddy Deane. Im Joe, too. There was a change in the works., Part of that change was the racial integration movement. . Last spring, five hundred people quickly snapped up the $23 tickets to the third Buddy Deane Reunion, held at the Eastwind, in Essex, to raise money for the Baltimore Burn Center. The inspiration for this movie was born out of an afternoon teen dance show, The Buddy Deane Show, which aired on Baltimore's WJZ-TV from 1957-1964 until it was taken off the air because the owner did not want to integrate. Penny nervously stumbles over her answers, and another girl, Nadine Carver, is cut for being Black (the show has a "Negro Day" on the last Thursday of every month, she is told). And because a new dance was introduced practically every week, you had to watch every day to keep up. Could it be? The Committee, initially recruited from local teen centers, was to act as hosts and dance with the guests. The Buddy Deane Show was taken off the air because home station WJZ-TV was unwilling to integrate black and white dancers. I had a lot of black friends at the time, so for me this was an awkward thing, says Marie. As you can see from the December thread my question concerning African Americans was totally dismissed by the Committee member who was speaking. See more ideas about buddy, historic baltimore, baltimore. In December 1963, producers at Baltimores WJZ-TV cancelled the Buddy Deane Show rather than integrate the popular teen dance program. . . Warner, Tony, Buddy's Top 20: The Story of Baltimore's Hottest TV Dance Show and the Guy Who Brought it to Life! I used to lie in bed at my parents house, and there was an African-American community up the street and they went by singing along to the radio. Joe remembers a sport coat I bought for $5 from somebody who got it when he got out of prison. It suggests a way of understanding race that allows viewers to disavow bigotryframed in the story as the belief that white and black Americans should live in separate sphereswithout acknowledging, confronting, or seeking to overturn the actual structures of discrimination. Both entities launche. And the girl Deaners, God, hair-hoppers as we called them in Towson, the ones with the Etta Gowns, bouffant hairdos, and cha-cha heels. Waters: We used to go to the hotel and hed say, Come in, and hed be in bed with a cleaning woman smoking pot., It was Tracy saying to Link: Please dont look at my legs without the benefit of nylons.. In 1957, Deane was chosen by former WITH associate Joel Chaseman to host "The Buddy Deane Show," a dance show for teenagers on WJZ-TV Channel 13. In 1963, the Civic Interest Group, an student integrationist group founded at Morgan State University, challenged this policy by obtaining tickets for black and white teens to attend the show on a day reserved for black teenagers. Mr. Deane hosted a crowd of exuberant teens, who danced to the music of live rock bands, including many name acts. And none are bitter. So there you have it. Powers was a particularly special addition, having disappeared in the years since the films release. I only saw Divine alive one more time after that night, so it was a great, great night to remember. "Do You Love Me" by The Contours, or "Hide and Go Seek" by Bunker Hill). The big garage-type door they remember would open, and theyd all pile in, past George and Mom, the Pinkerton guards who used to keep attendance, and crowd into Arlenes office to comb their hair, confide their problems, and touch up their make-up. In 1984, he sold the station to a local college but bought it back in 1996. So the NAACP targeted the show for protests. The Corny Collins Show, is a teen dance show in Baltimore's WYZT /WZZT Network. That she has an affluent life-style surprises no one on the Committee. The Buddy Deane Show was a teen dance television show, created by Zvi Shoubin, hosted by Winston "Buddy" Deane (19242003), and aired on WJZ-TV (Channel 13), the ABC affiliate station in Baltimore from 1957 until 1964. [citation needed] In several instances, the show went on location to the Milford Mill swim club on the westside of suburban Baltimore County. What: The Buddy Deane Show was a teen rock-and-roll dance television show that aired on WJZ-TV in Baltimore, Maryland from 1957 until 1964. The protesters wanted the races to mix. Gene calls it a big loss. It was living in a fantasy world, says Helen. . [citation needed] With an ear for music seasoned by many more years as a disc jockey than Clark, Deane also brought to his audience a wider array of white musical acts than were seen on American Bandstand. The show began in September of 1957 when an Arkansan named Winston Joe "Buddy" Deane was approached by Joel Chaseman, the head of programming at WJZ-TV. He just didnt understand., But some have dealt with the problems in good humor. The Buddy Deane Show was a highly visible regional program that asserted a racially segregated public culture. Being a teenage star in Baltimore had its drawbacks. I wanted to go, but my parents wouldnt let me. Buddy wanted it to end happily, but WJZ angered Deaners when it tried to blame the ratings. I even named some of the characters in my films after them. The show was a teen dance and music show and ran from 1957 to until 1964 on WJZ-TV until the show was canceled.The show was a teen dance and music show and ran from 1957 to until 1964 on WJZ-TV until the show was canceled.The show was a teen dance and music show and ran from 1957 to until 1964 on WJZ-TV until the show was canceled. With the nation in a divisive place, he argued, viewers are looking for entertainment that can be really healing. The New York Times critic Michiko Kakutani saw a similar dynamic at play when Hairspray, the musical, debuting shortly after 9/11, won over fans: Hollywood and Broadway producers have decided [what] Americans want is nostalgiathe logic being that people in times of trouble will gravitate toward comfort entertainment that reminds them of simpler, happier times [such as] the candy-colored Broadway musical Hairspray., Hairsprays history of race in America suggests that racism is an issue of attitudes rather than of policies. On Wednesday, NBC is broadcasting Hairspray Live! He got a great review in The New York Times. I didnt mean to, because I never would have messed up the makeup.. At just 10 years old, he and a friend set up their own radio station in a chicken coop that belonged to Deane's mother. As Marie puts it, The rewards were so great emotionally that you didnt have to ask for a monetary award., Many had difficulties dealing with the void when the show went off the air. I appreciate the contribution that you and NOBLE BRUN, and other Black dancers on the Buddy Dean dance show made on that series. They are still referred to, good naturedly by some, as the Ken and Barbie of the show. Gene, a member of the first Committee, and I underline first, later became president of the Board. However, unlike during the song "The New Girl in Town" where the Dynamites get there song stolen by 3 committee members, the Buddy . | In a long list of reasons why we find it difficult to wait for freedom, King writes: When you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six year old daughter why she cant go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see ominous clouds of inferiority beginning to form in her little mental sky then you will understand why we find it difficult to wait. When the subject comes up today, most loyalists want to go off the record. Integration ended The Buddy Deane Show. All of those dances were real, they were real dances, we didnt make any of them up and two were cut out. The show featured only white kids dancing, so Scruggs wrote him a letter in the fall of. The producers of Diner wanted to include Buddy Deane footage in their film, but most of the shows were live and any tapes of this local period piece have been erased. I was playing bongos on them in between takes because it was hilarious and he thought it was hilarious and I didnt stop to think, what the hell am I doing?, shared actor Holter Graham, who was 15 years old during filming. Joanie, whose mother wanted me to be a child star, hit the show in early 57 at age 13 (you had to be 14 to be eligible, but many lied about their ages to qualify), followed a few months later by Joe, 17. The first stars I could identify with. . . And although few will now admit to having been drapes, the styles at first were DAs (slicked back into the shape of a ducks tail), Detroits, and Waterfalls (flowing down the front) for the guys and ponytails and DAs for the girls, who wore full skirts with crinolins and three or four pairs of bobby socks. The Buddy Deane Show was a teen dance television show, created by Zvi Shoubin, hosted by Winston "Buddy" Deane (1924-2003), and aired on WJZ-TV (Channel 13), the ABC affiliate station in Baltimore from 1957 until 1964. Waters's nostalgic and detailed appreciation for The Buddy Deane Show, . On Jan. 4, 1964, nearly five months after the first -- and only -- day that black and white kids danced cheek to cheek on TV in WJZ's studios, Buddy Deane put "The Party's Over" on the record player. The "Corny Collins Show" in Hairspray is loosely based on the Baltimore teen dance program called the "Buddy Deane Show." One Baltimore woman fought to get black teens on the popular show back in . Owing to Deane's mid-South roots and work history, he featured many performers from the ranks of country and western music (e.g., Skeeter Davis, singing "The End of the World" and Brenda Lee singing "Sweet Nothin's"), who then achieved cross-over hits among rock and roll fans. After the screening, he was joined by Michael Musto and original cast membersLeslie Ann Powers (Penny Pingleton), JoAnn Havrilla (Prudence Pingleton), and Holter Graham (I.Q. . Unlike the tensions that followed the real integration of the Buddy Deane Show, Waterss Hairspray ends with the protesters triumphing. They would drive me nuts when theyd come in the door, and Id say Man, youre gone. No matter how progressive we become, there will always be those who will still hang on to the tradition of hate. I couldnt be bothered with education. Buddy offered to have three or even four days a week all black, but that wasnt it. In mixed marriages (with non-Deaners), many of the outsiders resented their spouses pasts. The Buddy Dean Show was the inspiration for the "Corny Collins Show" in the 2007 musical. The early look of the Committee was typically 50s. While other radio hosts thought rock 'n' roll music was just a passing trend, refusing to play it in favor of pop songs, Deane played rock 'n' roll music on a regular basis. [1], As with many other local TV shows, little footage of the show is known to have survived. Many top acts of the day, both black and white, appeared on The Buddy Deane Show. This sentiment carries through to the songs lyrics. Also, read the comments in that same excerpt about the series only wanting "attractive" teenagers as featured dancers. In her home, near Allentown, Pennsylvania, she serves me a beautiful brunch, models her fur coats, and poses with her Mercedes. The Deaners didnt mind. Waters took inspiration from the real-life Buddy Deane Show, a local dance party program that ran from 1957 to 1964 in the Maryland area. Buddy called me up before the cameras, and I wasnt dressed my best. It is hosted by the titular Corny Collins, with the exception of the monthly Rhythm and Blues special which is hosted by Motormouth Maybelle . WJZ's show aired from 1957 to 1964 and was popular among Baltimore teens, promoting dances like the twist, mashed potato, and the Madison. I had trunks of it. This Article is related to: Film and tagged Divine, Hairspray, IFC Center, John Waters. Some do remember a handful of kids getting high on cough medicine. In Hairspray (1988), Tammy Turner assists Corny Collins on the show. You will be redirected back to your article in, Get The Latest IndieWire Alerts And Newsletters Delivered Directly To Your Inbox. It was called The Waverly Theater back then, and Waters, looking dapper in a purple pinstriped suit, recalled that night as one of the last times he saw his friend and muse Divine before his death. He was so happy. Image Credit: OzNet.com Winston Joseph Deane was born on August 2, 1924, in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. "I told him I thought it was terrible," Melva Lee Scruggs said about the "Buddy Deane Show." A special. I was really mad. Most Deaner girls wouldnt even tongue-kiss, claims Arlene, remembering the ruckus caused by a Catholic priest when the Committee modeled strapless Etta gowns on TV. The whole day on the show was devoted to me.. Arlene Kozak, Buddys assistant and den mother to the Committee. It's not just about police brutality. Joel Chaseman, also a DJ at WITH, became program manager of WJZ-TV when Westinghouse bought it in the mid-50s. These dances included the Mashed Potato, the Stroll, the Pony, the Waddle, the Locomotion, the Bug, the Handjive, the New Continental and the Madison. At first I was so shy I hid behind the Coke machines., But Evanne used to come right home and head for the TV. The story also locates racial prejudice in a single character, Velma Von Tussle (played in the live musical by Kristin Chenoweth), which enables the other white characters to remain largely innocent bystanders to the discrimination faced by the programs black teenagers. We got out of the limousine and there was a huge crowd that went crazy when Divine jumped out, and it was such an exciting night, Waters said. I still believe that footage is out there somewhere. The Buddy Deane Show was a teen dance television show, created by Zvi Shoubin, hosted by Winston "Buddy" Deane (1924-2003), and aired on WJZ-TV (Channel 13), the ABC affiliate station in Baltimore from 1957 until 1964. offered an unfiltered, uncompromising celebration of Black literature, poetry, music, and politics, capturing a critical moment in culture whose impact continues to resonate today. 1957, it was a huge success as it was portrayed in the musical. It was maddening: the Mashed Potatoes, the Stroll, the Pony, the Waddle, the Locomotion, the Bug, the Handjive, the New Continental, and, most important, the Madison, a complicated line dance that started here and later swept the country. Ironically, The Buddy Deane Show introduced black music and artists into the lives of white Baltimore teenagers, many of whom learned to dance from black friends and listened to black radio. Why not do The Deane Show on TV again? Jul 24, 2017 - Explore Bruce Clarke's board "Buddy Dean Show", followed by 154 people on Pinterest. Bill Haley and the Comets did their premier perf of "Rock Around the Clock" on Deane's show, and Deane was named the No. Id hook and have to dance in the back so the teachers couldnt see me, says Helen. Marie Fischer was the first Joe to become a Committee memberchosen simply because she was such a good dancer. . This sort of nearsighted, if not disingenuous, framing persists today, whether in affluent parents in New York City insisting their opposition to school rezoning proposals is not about race, or in arguments suggesting that the best way to address racism is to stop accusing people of being racists.. The Buddy Deane Show was taken off the air because home station WJZ-TV was unwilling to integrate black and white dancers. Joe started working for Buddy as teen assistant and, along with Arlene, oversaw the Committee and enforced the strict rules. I had always studied dance, and I wanted to go on [the show]. It was the top-rated local TV show in Baltimore and, for several years, the highest rated local TV program in the country. Friday, February 24, 2023. . In 1957, Deane was chosen by former WITH associate Joel Chaseman to host "The Buddy Deane Show," a dance show for teenagers on WJZ-TV Channel 13. She was one of the chosen few who went to New York to learn how to demonstrate the Madison, and was selected for the exchange committee that represented Baltimores best on American Bandstand. Ninfa O. Barnard wrote this article for explorepinebluff.com. People already were excited about it, but after the election they were saying, Boy, do we need this now, Meron said while promoting the new television musical. For example, consider the comments of members of the "Committee" [the regularly featured White teenagers on that show] about boys having it worse than girls because boys weren't supposed to dance. It would be a treasure to pass down to my future generations. My heart would have broken in two if I couldnt have gone on. Finally, Helen quit Mergenthaler (Mervo) trade school, at the height of her fame. sively white show. Here is the new video celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Buddy Deane Show and the former Catonsville Community College (now CCBC). Six days a week and often two hours a day, Buddy Deane and his Committee Members--the privileged regular teen dancers . January 4, 1964. Voters approve of . At her appearances at the record hops, kids would actually scream when youd get out of the car: Theres Mary Lou! Or Hartford Motor Coach Company? Performances begin at 7 p.m. You could throw her down on the ground, and her hair would crack, recalls Gene. WJZ's show aired from 1957 to 1964 and was popular among Baltimore teens, promoting dances like the twist, mashed potato, and the Madison. Advertisement. The Buddy Deane Show was taken off the air because home station WJZ-TV was unwilling to integrate black and white dancers. Hairspray is the gift that never stops giving, Waters told an adoring crowd at New Yorks IFC Center this past weekend, the theater where Hairspray first opened thirty years ago. 2023 IndieWire Media, LLC. Most are happily married with kids and maintain the same images they had on the show. Mary Lou, the Annette Funicello of the show, was the talk of teenage Baltimore. I took off my steady ring and threw it down. With the rising pressures of integration, the producers decided that the show must either be integrated or canceled. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, sponsored by Matt Palumbo's MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN for Friday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Every rock n roll star of the day (except Elvis) came to town to lip-synch and plug their records on the show: Buddy Holly, Domino, the Supremes, the Marvelettes, Annette Funicello, Frankie Avalon, and Fabian, to name just a few. And the whole concept of the Committee changed. Buddy Deane was the host of a Baltimore dance show that ran on TV from 1957 to 1964 six days a week. The racial integration of a take-off of the show, dubbed The Corny Collins Show, provides the backdrop to the 1988 John Waters film Hairspray. And they all came together on the Buddy Deane Show, Baltimore's legendary teen dance show. Hundreds of thousands of teens learned the latest dances by watching Committee members on the show, copying their personal style, and following their life stories and interactions. The show was a teen dance and music show and ran from 1957 to until 1964 on WJZ-TV until the show was canceled. Buddy said to me, Well, heres my little girl whos been with me the longest. I hardly ever cried, but I just broke down on camera. "Hairspray" will continue at East Ridge High School through April 23. Seeing Hairspray as more than simply a post-racial American fantasy requires taking the storys teen dance show setting seriously. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. You received demerits for almost anything: Chewing gum. It was similar to Philadelphia's American Bandstand. Because Buddy Deanes competition was soap operas, the budding teenage romances were sometimes played up for the camera. The Buddy Deane Show was a teen dance television show, created by Zvi Shoubin, hosted by Winston "Buddy" Deane (1924-2003), and aired on WJZ-TV (Channel 13), the ABC affiliate station in Baltimore from 1957 until 1964. You are out of here. For the rest of the time, the show's participants were all white. (NWA Media). You are history. Some of the old Committee kept up with the times and made the transition with ease. Weve been searching for her for years, even Ricki Lake couldnt find her when she had her TV show., John Waters and members of the original cast of Hairspray. Sources: www.IMDB.com -- Buddy Deane Biography; www.OzNet.com - A Collection of Articles About Buddy Deane; www.Variety.com -- Winston J. Im still a fana Deaner groupie. Linda reverently describes her Committee membership as the best experience I ever had in my life. They later became members of the Permanent Committee, the hall of fame that could come back to dance even after retiring. Based loosely on the 1988 film by John Waters, Hairspray centres on Baltimore teen Tracy Turnblad (Carmel Rodrigues), who in 1962 wants nothing more than a chance to dance on the local pop music TV. Buddy Deane was the host of a Baltimore dance show that ran on TV from 1957 to 1964 six days a week. All on Pulaski Highway. Mr. In the beginning, there was Arlene. The Buddy Deane Show was over. Other vices were likewise eschewed. In his Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke to what it meant for young black people to be excluded from entertainment spaces like the Buddy Deane Show. The guys who wore sport coats with belts in the back from Lees of Broadway (10 percent discount for Committee members), pegged pants, pointy-toe shoes with the great buckles on the side, and drape (greaser) haircuts that my parents would never allow. Waters would rush home . We faked a feud. As with the drapes and squares of the previous decade, she explains, there were two classes of people thenDeaners and Joe College. (They gave her a diamond watch at the last reunion.) I guess Helen Crist was the first drapette: the DA, the ballet shoes, oogies [tulle scarves], eye shadoweyeliner was big thenand pink lipstick., Helen Crist. I focused on the 1957-1964 television series The Buddy Deane Show in part because I'm interested in documenting old school African American originated line dances, and the Buddy Deane Show's 1958 or 1959 clip of The Madison appears to be the earliest surviving film of that dance.I believe that The Buddy Deane Show is important in part because it documents aspects of Americana such as the way the teenagers (or at least White teenagers] in the late 1950s and early 1960s dressed, danced, interacted, and also documented (through retrospective interviews such as the one quoted in Excerpt #2 of this post) attitudes and values of that time. Rated local TV program in the works., Part of that change was the host a... Of those dances were real dances, we didnt make any of them up and two were out. Taking the storys teen dance program whole day on the Buddy Deane show was taken off the air home! Ground, and her hair would crack, recalls gene I even named some of Buddy... 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